Headquarter of HAUSER Music Foundation

1025 Budapest, Páfrány road 23/B.
Company name: HAUSER Music Foundation
Registered Seat: 1025 Budapest, Páfrány út 23/B
Company Register Number:01-01-0013303
EU VAT ID: HU19338482
Bank account with: Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
HUF IBAN:HU67-12011272-01834829-00100006
EUR IBAN:HU46-12011272-01834829-00200003
USD IBAN:HU25-12011272-01834829-00300000
GBP IBAN: HU25-12011272-01834829-00400007
Bank address: 1133 Budapest, Váci út 116-118., Hungary


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